Welcome To Bethel Life Centre

Bishop David R. Harewood, D.D. Pastor
Presiding Bishop of Bethel Life International Fellowship
Bishop Melveeta A. Harewood, D.D. Co-Pastor
Teaching Kingdom Purpose and Principles
Welcome to the website of Bethel LIFE Centre. We are a bi-lingual assembly serving the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Our message is simple: We preach the Word of God.
We realize that the God we serve not only desires to change our spiritual environment, but to change our hearts as well. He desires not only to heal our bodies, but also to heal our hearts. He not only speaks peace to the winds and the waves, but He also speaks peace to our hearts. God declares that when His Word comes it will get the job done. We may have to walk through a valley of darkness and death, but God promises we will pass through. We don't go into it to stay.
The first time the Word came to Isaac, the Bible says he dwelt in the land. The second time the Word came, the Bible says he built an altar there and called upon the Name of the Lord. When God speaks, there ought to be a worship that proceeds from our spirit and our mouth. His Word comes not to return unto Him void, but to accomplish its task. As we speak and share the Word of God with you through these web pages, our prayer is that you respond to His Word with a praise of thanks and a worship of “Yes, Lord” in spite of or because of everything that you have done or been through today. What will need to come to pass, WILL COME TO PASS! Here at Bethel LIFE Centre we liken the Word of God to surgical instruments being skillfully used to cure the spiritual issues of the heart.
Bethel Life Centre Where The Communities
Of The Eastern Townships and Montreal Meet.
